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Site-Wide Sale for Memorial Day Weekend

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Happy Memorial Day!

As summer approaches, families all over are preparing for the start of the summer season—backyard parties, vacations, summer camp. But before we dive into all the fun and excitement of summer camp and our fun plans for the season, it's important to take today to remember the true meaning of Memorial Day. A federal holiday observed on the last Monday in May, Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for all the fallen soldiers who died serving in the United States armed forces.

While it's important to remember the sacrifices that so many brave men and women have made to protect our freedom, we often times associate Memorial Day itself with backyard barbecues and the ‘unofficial start of summer fun’ as many consider it.

After visiting family or putting the grill away, remember to take advantage of our extensive Memorial Day Weekend Sale! The sale only lasts through tomorrow, so there's still time, but I wouldn't dally! You definitely don't want to miss out on this site-wide sale for great deals on all of our camp trunks, including Traditional Steel Trunks, Designer Trunks, as well as Soft Trunks! 

On top of all that we have discounts on select Trunk Accessories and a laundry list of camp gear and other camping supplies. Laundry BAGS? Yep! They're on the list too. Enjoy combing across our whole store to find great deals and get a more detailed breakdown on our sale announcement post by clicking right here.

As we honor the memory of those who have selflessly given their lives in service to our country, let us cherish the freedoms they fought to protect. Remember, Memorial Day is not just a day of celebration, but a time to reflect on the tremendous sacrifices made by our fallen heroes. From all of us at Everything Summer Camp, we wish you a meaningful Memorial Day and a summer filled with unforgettable camp experiences! Thanks for reading.


- John

Posted in Seasonal Stuff


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